ScieTec Operations

Your executing supplier for demanding pharma engineering projects.

We regularly face clients who have to outsource (Sub-)Projects due to personnel shortage or gaps in competencies in a certain field.

Companies are frequently faced with the challenge of having to manage highly demanding projects simultaneously to their day-to-day-business, whereas the latter already charges to full capacity. Needless to say that the day-to-day-business must not be affected by the project work.

It is mainly the key persons and knowledge carriers who are torn in this trade-off and need to juggle project-related work and their day-to-day-tasks. Consequently, this leads to capacity constraints.

Additionally, engineering projects sometimes result in unmet challenges and needs, which demand a situational solution without the possibility to add FTE personnel.

ScieTec’s solution:

To fill the capacity and competency gaps, ScieTec is your outsourcing-partner with a broad pool of highly qualified personnel.

A unique network of technical and operative experts helps us to deliver your project with the highest possible competency and technical know-how.

Your advantage:

» By outsourcing well-defined work packages, you can allocate your internal resources at best.

» By outsourcing, you can mitigate your compliance risks and share the load with your supplier, ScieTec.

» With external support, you can reduce time delays in your project and can ensure a smooth execution process.

How to contact us

ScieTec GmbH & 

ScieTec Switzerland GmbH

Telephone: +49 (0)89 7263210 70

